Aquaculture Congress

Greek aquaculture as the basic pillar for the development of the national economy.

Aquaculture, and in particular fish farming, is today the most dynamically growing food production sector. According to World Food Organization (FAO) and World Bank forecasts, by 2030 more than 65% of fisheries products will come from aquaculture.

The European Union produces 2.8% of world production (2.98 million tons) with a predominantly almost stable output since 2000 and a spectacular increase in imports from third countries with competitive low-cost products. Indicatively, 68% of seafood consumption in the EU is reported. is imported and only 10% comes from aquaculture.

In Greece it is estimated that 63% of the domestic production of fishery products came from aquaculture and the remaining 37% from free fishing. Fish and their products are one of the most outward sectors of the Greek economy, contributing positively to the country’s trade balance as they exceed their respective imports. It is reported that about 78% of production is exported, while the remaining 22% is sold on the domestic market.

Concerning the international economic environment, competition from third countries is still growing, especially from Turkey, which is constantly increasing its production, with the result that in 2016 the biggest difference in the selling price between Greek and Turkish aquaculture products.

It is therefore important to have an organized, institutionalized and, at the same time, open process of exchanging positions, views and experiences within and outside Greece. Continue dialogue, draw specific conclusions and make proposals to create the dynamics needed by the rapidly growing industry to integrate sustainable development plans and strategies.

This development process will effectively boost the promotions, demands and overall position of the industry in the national economy.